Auditions have been announced for our August/September production of Jack The Ripper, Directed by Paul Belsham. Dates are 23rd August to 8th September
Come and be part of the old London scene and secure your audition today.
There are some fabulous lead roles up for grabs as well as lots of great ensemble character roles and songs.
There are 8 named Female roles and 7 named Male roles plus chorus
Whether you fancy being one of the ladies of the night, one of the cockney lads, a toff, a do-gooder, a member of the local constabulary or the villain of the piece there could be a role with your name on it!
Auditions will be held Friday 10th May (6:00pm-9:00pm) and Saturday 11th May (10am-4pm) at the Ballina Players theatre.
For more information or audition time call Paul on 0422059226