New Members

Please complete an Application for Membership form – downloadable from Adult Membership Application or Junior Membership Application, or collected at the theatre, or Ballina Colour Copy Shop. The form can be posted to the below address or emailed to
The appropriate membership fee ($10 joining fee and $10 membership fee, or $5 each for Junior Membership) can be paid as described below.

Continuing Members

For continuing members, those who were members for the previous year, there is a $10 membership fee, for adults and a $5 membership for Under 18’s, which can be paid at meetings, performances and rehearsals. NB Continuing members must rejoin by the end of March or there will be a joining fee of $10.

Membership can also be paid by cheque to PO Box 636 Ballina 2478 or bank transfer to BSB 082-522, Account 14 576 3084 (please identify yourself and purpose of payment)

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